Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lovin the fall!


We have certainly had a busy couple of months!!!!!! But good news... hopefully things will settle down quickly!!!

First of all, the house will be done by the end of this week!!!! YEAH!!!! We are getting really excited to get in to our place! I've already bought a million things to decorate Emmery's room with! We are still trying to save up to buy our couches and a TV for the downstairs living room, but we'll get it furnished eventually! :)

Last month we took our first roadtrip to California with Em! It was an amazing time and he was such a trooper! We got stuck in a snow storm in Central Utah for 3 hours, dead standstill on the highway, and he slept and played through the entire thing. What a good boy!

Em got to meet all his Cali relatives and it was a blast! We stayed with John and Kathy and got spoiled rotten. My dad and Sally and Jen came down to see us as well and it was so wonderful to catch up.... I think they liked him just a tad :)

I got to see my cousins that I haven't seen in YEARS! It was wonderful to finally meet all their little ones! Crazy how we all just grew up!

Em was a monkey this year and let me tell ya, he was pretty stinkin cute!!!!!!!!! He slept the entire time we were trick or treating, but he did get to enjoy a little bit of the holiday when we met up with Theresa and Curtis. As always, it was wonderful to see them, its only been about 15 years since I saw Curtis last! We went through this really cool thing called Pioneer Village. They decorate all the old homes, that are historical displays throughout the year, haunted themed and the kiddos get to trick or treat at each of them. It was pretty cute!

We hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday and I'll post again soon!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Seriously time flies!

My little guy is 4 months and it feels like he was just born 4 weeks ago!!! He's getting so big! Latest developments are:
1. My big boy thinks he can sit up on his own... but then his head gets too heavy and he topples over...
2. His most favorite thing is a bath! In fact, we take 2 a day cause he demands ones at night!
3. He is teething. Boo on this development. He is a droolin fool! And he will gnaw on ANYTHING within reach! But fingers are his fav!
4. We are working on rolling over, but most of the time he is just content to lay on his side and not complete the over part of rolling over.
and finally 5. He is now eating oatmeal in his night time bottle and you should see this kid suck it down! He loves him some oatmeal!

Here is the latest of my cutie patootie (Yep, he's gonna kill me for that one one day!

In other news.... the house is flying! We have sheetrock, windows, and we're starting the floor this week! I can't believe it!! Can't wait to cook a turkey in my very own oven next month!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Our big boy is 3 months!

Emmery turned 3 months on Sunday! He has recently discovered his tongue, he loves it! Sticks it out and blow spit bubbles all the time! hahaha He loves watching everything passing by and thinks his bouncer is pretty neat! HE IS ONE HAPPY BOY!

We be diggin!!

Our exciting news.... We broke ground on our home!!!! We are thrilled and cannot wait to be in! They should be done November 16th! Just in time to decorate for the holidays :)

Monday, August 24, 2009


Well if I wasn't already sure that we have the world's best baby and dog before this weekend, I would have been convinced on our camping trip!! :) Not only did Emmery do incredible on his first camping trip, he was also the biggest trooper on our 4-wheeler ride from hell! Hahaha

We were planning on camping up at Tony's Grove in Logan Canyon. We were going to leave Logan at 6 o'clock on Friday night but by the time Shawn and Gina got the 4-wheelers and got to Logan it was 8. We got up the canyon and go figure, every single campsite was taken. (I'd checked to make sure there were some available around 5 before we headed up) So plan B, Gina's dad has land up Cub River just outside of Preston, Idaho. We drive the hour and a half back up to Cub River and finally set up camp at midnight. Sky built a fire and we spent the next few hours enjoying the fire and relaxing. It was a BEAUTIFUL night and felt so wonderful to just be outdoors.

Saturday we woke up, Sky scrambled some eggs for us and then we packed up the 4-wheelers. I strapped Emmery to me in his new carrier that we bought for our little weekend excursion and off we went! We took a gorgeous ride up to Willow Flats and ate lunch. We all dipped our feet in the stream and Conner had a blast throwing rocks in the stream. Bella thought it was so fun to pounce after the rocks and try and retrieve them from the freezing water! She was a doggie in heaven! After lunch we jumped back on the 4-wheelers and headed up the mountain. Sky found a trail heading down and it looked pretty good, so he decided to take it..... 20 minutes later, we are on the trail from hell. There is no way to turn around and what was a nice dirt trail is now rocks, fallen trees and overgrown. The boys did an amazing job of getting us down safely and we finally hit some level ground... problem being, we weren't really sure where the two trails that were forking off in front of us lead to or what condition they'd be in. Long story short, we took one for about 15 miles only to turn around, backtrack, take the other one, have another scary trail ride and FINALLY reach Cub River Road! Boy were we excited to see civilization!! Other than being totally covered in dirt, some sore muscles and a few scratches, we made it out just fine! The kids were unharmed and Em looked liked he'd had fun! hahaha! Bella was a perfect little puppy and stayed right by my side the entire time and hung on for dear life :)

When we got back down to camp Sky started us a fire and we put our campfire dinners on. Sky's fam came up and they roasted hot dogs and we all did s'mores. It was a great time!!

Needless to say, we'll never forget Em's first camping trip!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

2 Months!

My oh my how the time does fly!!!!!!!!!!!! Emmery is now 2 months old and I can't believe how quickly we've gotten here! Friday was his 2 month check up and he is officially 22 1/2" long and 10 lbs. He is still on the skinny side but the doctor says he is doing just great and it may take about 6 months for him to full catch up! But he is happy and healthy and we couldn't ask for more!

We are all doing wonderfully! I just got an amazing new job working for a new real estate broker in town. It has been fun! I love the challenge of learning the new systems and working with Kade is awesome. Best part is... I get to work from home! Em sits in his bouncer by my desk and tells me stories or snoozes while I work. It is absolutely the best of both worlds!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Emmery's Newborn Pictures

I've been meaning to get these on here for a while!! Josh took some WONDERFUL newborn pictures of Em for us... here they are!

Change is good!

Well it has been a busy month for us!!! We moved back to Logan to be closer to friends and family and enjoy a quieter community again. It's been WONDERFUL! We had quite a hard two weeks with Em and the doctor thought he had colic. He would scream for literally 3/4 of the day. It was heartbreaking! We tried everything!! Finally one day I sat in the formula isle at the grocery store and read every formula! We got one that said it was formulated for babies with colic and worked within 48 hours. It was worth a try! 2 bottles later, we had our happy camper back! I had Sky feed him regular formula one bottle that night and Emmery screamed for hours. We finally figured out, he cannot handle dairy! So we are stickin to the non-dairy formula.
He is growing like a weed and I cannot wait til his 2 month check up in a few weeks to see how much he weighs! He is finally totally out of newborn clothes and diapers. And I'm happy to report those baby blue eyes of his have stayed that color! He got his daddy's gorgeous eyes!! :)

Meanwhile, Sky got a job at Harris Research working with his buddy Rhino. He absolutely loves it and it has been a great change for him! I have been lucky enough to stay home with Em and focus on building my Heritage Makers business. It has been so much fun and its nice feeling like I have a career path I'll be happy with for years to come! I've been designing custom books for a few clients and it feels good to have this creative outlet!

Last weekend Emmery got to go to his very first rodeo! We went up to the Preston Nights Rodeo with Sky's family and had a great time! He was so good through the rodeo even with all the loud noise!! After the rodeo was over we went over to the carnival. Sky and Shawn rode a few of the rides and me and Em walked around. Em was fascinated with all of the lights on the rides :)

Emmery LOVES sittin in his swing watching the mobile. We put on this cd we got from Vermont with guitar music on it and he is happy camper for hours!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

1 Month Old!

I cannot believe our little man is already a month old!! Where has the time gone!?! Emmery is doing WONDERFUL! He is growing like a weed!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July

Hello everyone! I know this is later, but HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! I hope you all had a wonderful safe holiday! Emmery and I went up to Gwanma's house for the 4th! We had such a wonderful time! My mom's best friend Teresa flew in for a few days to meet Emmery and it was great having her here! Craig set us up a tent in the backyard because I've been craving going camping, but we never did get around to sleeping in it! Thanks for setting it up for us anyway granpa! :) On Friday we attempted to watch the fireworks from my mom and Craig's back porch, but Em had different plans! He got hungry right when they started setting them off so we ended up in the bedroom feeding through most of them. Oh well, I'm sure he didn't mind :) Sky was in Seattle for a Major's tournament for softball over the weekend and had an amazing time!! They got to play ball with the big boys! :) On Thursday Emmery and I ran up to Preston to take a few pictures with Riley. Boy did we have fun!!! Here are a few of them!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Our beautiful boy!

It feels so wonderful to be home! They finally released Emmery Saturday morning and we happily took him home! We have settled right in and love our little family! Bella has been so great with him and has seemed to welcome him easily. Today we went to the doctor and he got circumsized. He hasn't been a happy camper but I can't blame him one bit!! It was hard to watch and broke my heart hearing my little guy crying like that! But it should heal quick! Poor guy, he was a little trooper! Here are some cute new pics...

Happy Boy!

First doctor's appointment! He was such a good boy!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Welcome Emmery Michael Thomson!

We are so excited to welcome our beautiful son! Emmery Michael Thomson was born June 13, 2009 at 3:05 a.m. weighing 7 lbs 10 oz and measuring 20". He is the most amazing little guy!!! We are still in the hospital because when he was born he had an infection and had to go down to the NICU the next day because he was having a hard time slowing his respiratory rate down and it was making it hard for him to eat. His blood sugars started to drop and they were worried about him getting dehydrated, so they brought him down for a bunch of tests. They did all sorts of tests and his lungs, heart, etc looked PERFECT, so they ran blood tests and such and concluded it was just an infection that he probaby caught from me during delivery. I came in with a fever while I was in labor and they ran antibiotics on me but he still caught it. So they are running him on a 5 day regim of antibiotics and we should be good to go Friday!! I cannot wait to go home and sleep in my own bed! I've been staying up here at the hospital day and night to establish breastfeeding. In the mean time, he is doing REALLY well! He is eating like a champ and finally starting to gain weight back (he dropped to 6 lbs 13 oz) but is now back up to 7 lbs 2 oz! Go my little man! :) He is one very happy, content, alert and tough little guy! He already holds his head up really well and on my gosh does he have some strong arms! We are so happy to have him and life is wonderful! We want to say thank you to all of our friends and family for all of the love and support!!! We appreciate it more than we can tell you!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Still waiting...

Well we had a nice trip to Labor and Delivery this weekend. I was having contractions for about 5 hours consistently about 4-5 minutes apart lasting a minute, so we decided to go get checked out. They hooked me up to the monitors and watched me for a while. I wasn't dilating any further and only thinned to 85% effaced. So they sent us home after a while. Monday morning we went to our ultrasound. He weighs 6 lbs 14 oz and is absolutely perfect! Tuesday morning my dr stripped my membranes and boy was that NOT fun. I haven't felt the greatest since, but hopefully it gets things moving!!!!!! Until then, here's a cute pic :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


We have progress! I had my 37 week appointment this morning and good news! I'm already dilated to a 2+ and 70% effaced. She said that he is measuring 5cm bigger than our last appointment (significant difference) so she hopes he'll come soon! She ordered a growth ultrasound for June 8th if he isn't here by then to see exactly how big he is (he's measuring about 40 now and I'm 37... so he's lookin big) and if he is ginormous like his daddy was then she wants to induce me so that I can actually deliver him! HAHA! AHHHH! It's getting so close! So all those irritating contractions I've been having for weeks are actually good for somethin! :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The end is near... thank goodness

5 weeks left til Emmery's due date... we're praying he joins us a little sooner than that, but want him fully "cooked" :)
I have officially hit the "I'm so ready to be done being pregnant" phase. I can't quite explain the level of unattractiveness that my swollen finger, legs, feet and toes have reached. Its not pretty. My mom said something this morning that nailed it on the head... "I think it (pregnancy) was designed long enough for the baby to cook but just short enough before you contemplate murder." Ding ding ding! Everything is getting uncomfortable but I keep reminding myself that he is worth all of it!
I will try and post tonight pictures from our baby shower so you can see how spoiled our little guy is! :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Maternity Photos

Last weekend my wonderful friend Simone came and took some awesome maternity photos for me! It was so much fun and so crazy to see the belly like that! :)