Tuesday, May 26, 2009


We have progress! I had my 37 week appointment this morning and good news! I'm already dilated to a 2+ and 70% effaced. She said that he is measuring 5cm bigger than our last appointment (significant difference) so she hopes he'll come soon! She ordered a growth ultrasound for June 8th if he isn't here by then to see exactly how big he is (he's measuring about 40 now and I'm 37... so he's lookin big) and if he is ginormous like his daddy was then she wants to induce me so that I can actually deliver him! HAHA! AHHHH! It's getting so close! So all those irritating contractions I've been having for weeks are actually good for somethin! :)


Anonymous said...

YEAH!! Can't wait to see the little man!

Sarah said...

Yee haa. I have been wondering about you since I haven't been on Facebook forever. But I promise I have been thinking about you lots. Good luck in the next few weeks. You will be great. It is so worth it!

Mike, Amber and Camden said...

whoo hoo!!that is some good news! I can't wait to get the call that you are in labor..(you better call me..ha ha) I am so excited for ya.love ya!

Kyle.Sara.Jade said...

Wishing you all the best! Can you believe your babe is almost here? Where has the time gone? Can't wait to meet him! Love You!
p.s. email me your number to sbingham_1@yahoo.com (I know, I know... still haven't changed my email since high school!)