Sunday, August 16, 2009

2 Months!

My oh my how the time does fly!!!!!!!!!!!! Emmery is now 2 months old and I can't believe how quickly we've gotten here! Friday was his 2 month check up and he is officially 22 1/2" long and 10 lbs. He is still on the skinny side but the doctor says he is doing just great and it may take about 6 months for him to full catch up! But he is happy and healthy and we couldn't ask for more!

We are all doing wonderfully! I just got an amazing new job working for a new real estate broker in town. It has been fun! I love the challenge of learning the new systems and working with Kade is awesome. Best part is... I get to work from home! Em sits in his bouncer by my desk and tells me stories or snoozes while I work. It is absolutely the best of both worlds!


Sarah said...

Yeah for you, Chels. I am so happy you found a job to work from home. It's hard to believe that 2 months has already rolled by, but it sure goes fast. Enjoy this next month... once they hit 4 months, they are less newborn than ever.

Kyle.Sara.Jade said...


Logan? K. HAVE to get together. I'm recovering from Mono so timing totally SUCKS. BOO. K. Text me your new addy puh-lease.

Love you girl!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm sorry this is out of the blue and I don't really know you, but my name is Chelsea and my boyfriend is named Skyler (we're 17) and I searched our names and found your blog! Just thought I should leave a comment :) Your baby is really cute.
-Chelsea ;D