Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lovin the fall!


We have certainly had a busy couple of months!!!!!! But good news... hopefully things will settle down quickly!!!

First of all, the house will be done by the end of this week!!!! YEAH!!!! We are getting really excited to get in to our place! I've already bought a million things to decorate Emmery's room with! We are still trying to save up to buy our couches and a TV for the downstairs living room, but we'll get it furnished eventually! :)

Last month we took our first roadtrip to California with Em! It was an amazing time and he was such a trooper! We got stuck in a snow storm in Central Utah for 3 hours, dead standstill on the highway, and he slept and played through the entire thing. What a good boy!

Em got to meet all his Cali relatives and it was a blast! We stayed with John and Kathy and got spoiled rotten. My dad and Sally and Jen came down to see us as well and it was so wonderful to catch up.... I think they liked him just a tad :)

I got to see my cousins that I haven't seen in YEARS! It was wonderful to finally meet all their little ones! Crazy how we all just grew up!

Em was a monkey this year and let me tell ya, he was pretty stinkin cute!!!!!!!!! He slept the entire time we were trick or treating, but he did get to enjoy a little bit of the holiday when we met up with Theresa and Curtis. As always, it was wonderful to see them, its only been about 15 years since I saw Curtis last! We went through this really cool thing called Pioneer Village. They decorate all the old homes, that are historical displays throughout the year, haunted themed and the kiddos get to trick or treat at each of them. It was pretty cute!

We hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday and I'll post again soon!


Jen Gray said...

Looks like you had a wonderful trip to Cali, I'm so glad Em was good for you! Can't believe the crazy snow store you had to go though! I am SO thankful for NO snow......I'm sure ill miss it come Christmas time when it doesn't really feel like Christmas cuz there is no snow on the ground, but we will see. lol! Em is getting so big I can't believe it sweety, what a darling Monkey he was for Halloween! Your Home is coming along SO WELL! I am SO happy for you sweetie! Miss you TONS! Love you!
JEN xoxo

Sarah said...

How fun! What a good little sport- I am glad he made the trip easier for you. I love the colors in your house. I bet it's so fun to decorate! (Someday...)

Kyle.Sara.Jade said...

Yeah! An update!! (Man, you're on top of it when I scold!) Em is getting too big! I'm mesmerized by those blue eyes! Yeah for the house and I hope everything goes off without a hitch in time for the holidays!

Cari Payne said...

Oh my goodness..HE is So DANG cute! What a darling family you have Chels! Your house looks great and I cant wait to see the Finished pic! Luv ya babe and keep in touch! :-)