Thursday, January 21, 2010

Our Home!

I apologize it has taken me so long to get this updated, but we've been very very busy!! Christmas this year was wonderful! We officially closed on our house Christmas Eve! It was the best Christmas present we could have gotten. We moved in the day after Christmas. I was totally prepared to get everything unpacked and put away by the end of the weekend... but my body had other plans! I woke up Sunday morning feeling like I'd been hit by a Mack truck! Very long story short, I tried all week to put stuff away and be productive and I just kept getting sicker. I finally went to the doctor that Thursday and found out I had a viral infection and pneumonia. I took it easy after that! Our house is finally all put away and WE LOVE IT!!!!

This was taken when they were finishing up the siding. I don't have a newer one yet, but I'll get one!

Master Bedroom

Master Bed 2

Master Bath

Living Room - this room isn't quite finished in the decorating category

Dining Room


1/2 Bath off dining room

Upstairs Family Room

Emmery's Room

Em/Guest Bath

My office and the guest bedroom are still basically storage rooms for the moment so no pics of them! :)


Samantha Jane said...

I love your cute house! And I am so happy that you are finally feeling better!

Jen Gray said...

SO SO SO BEAUTIFUL!! And you're putting it all together like a champ! I am SO happy for you my lovey, can't wait to come visit and maybe stay with you!
JEN xoxo