Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The end is near... thank goodness

5 weeks left til Emmery's due date... we're praying he joins us a little sooner than that, but want him fully "cooked" :)
I have officially hit the "I'm so ready to be done being pregnant" phase. I can't quite explain the level of unattractiveness that my swollen finger, legs, feet and toes have reached. Its not pretty. My mom said something this morning that nailed it on the head... "I think it (pregnancy) was designed long enough for the baby to cook but just short enough before you contemplate murder." Ding ding ding! Everything is getting uncomfortable but I keep reminding myself that he is worth all of it!
I will try and post tonight pictures from our baby shower so you can see how spoiled our little guy is! :)


Anonymous said...

You are almost there!!! I love what you mom said, from what I have heard from friends and sisters it sounds about right.

Sarah said...

Oh babe... good luck. Pray for a nice cool May & June and you will be set. (Last year was ideal) I hope he comes a bit early for ya too.